WomanOnLive BenessereDonna

After the summer break, the Woman Onlive appointments are back. During the last episode on Friday 18th, alongside great professionals from different backgrounds, we discussed psychological, physical and emotional wellbeing and health, feminine strength and freedom as a key concept of wellbeing, freedom as a priority. Core of the discussion the chatbot #NONPOSSOPARLARE, an innovative digital project made in Liguria, for women victims of abuse. Among the guests of the episode:
Deliana Misale of the National Association of Metastatic Breast Cancer NOI CI SIAMO, Roberta Rota clinical educator and part of the scientific committee of the chatbot, Rosella Scalone creator of #NONPOSSOPARLARE and Maria Berlanzoli, President of Fidapa Bpw Italy Savona, patronage of the chatbot and sponsor of the organized course in collaboration with #NONPOSSOPARLARE; to be held soon. Moderator of the event Alessandra Grasso, of Agorà Coop. You can review the full episode by clicking here.