intervista tg3 dide design week genova
The art world meets digital innovation : Tg3’s interview with our CEO

During the Genoa Design Week, the Tg3 Liguria trouppe visited the most relevant exhibitors of this edition and at our ERA space : the exclusive interview with our CEO Massimiliano Margarone in which the revolutionary details of the Mirò display mirror, The Art Beyond Reflection, the digital mirror through which design, art and technology find the perfect balance, were revealed.

During the interview, the CEO shared the vision behind the Mirò project, emphasizing that the goal was to break down traditional barriers between art and its audience. Through the use of cutting-edge technology, the Mirò display mirror transforms the exhibition space into an evolving work of art. Viewers are engaged through a multi-sensory experience that brings them closer to the artwork in ways never seen before.

The CEO also highlighted the importance of maintaining artistic integrity while adopting state-of-the-art technology. The designers and artists involved in the project worked closely together to ensure that the digital artworks retained their emotional depth and visual impact. The Miró display mirror is not only a tool for displaying works of art, but has itself become a work of art that blends harmoniously with its surroundings.

The interview was aired in the 7.30PM news, watch here the video.